Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#12 Cuz I Don't Want My 17 Year Old Son To Move To New Zealand

When JW told me that if McCain wins he is moving to New Zealand I tried to change his mind. I agreed that New Zealand is a lovely island with great people but it's just too far away for him to make it back home for the holidays and I would miss him too much. "But Mom I don't want to live in a country where there are so many racists." Then he described some of the youtube videos of Palin or McCain/Palin rallies where whackos are shown shouting, "Kill him!" or "Off with his head!" I tried to explain that every group and political party has extremists and lunatics on the fringe. His was response was "Yea Mom but these racists are official party organizers," and he showed me the picture of from the Sacramento Republican website, an official party organization. The offending picture has been removed but you can see it by following the link below. It is not for the faint hearted. It is a picture of Obama with his head wrapped in a turban. The text says, "The only difference in Osama and Obama is BS. Waterboard Barak Obama."

Since JW's declaration of intent to leave the country I have found two other sickening display of racism by official Republican organizations. I would be distressed by these if they were posted by random bloggers or nutcase youtubers but I am heartsick that a once decent party has sunk so low.

The Chaffey Community Republican Women's newsletter printed a photoshop of an "Obama Buck." Obama's head is pasted on a donkey's head. Above his picture is the phrase, "Obama Food Stamps." Pictures of fried chicken, watermelon and koolaid also decorate this disgusting graphic.

You can see it here if you dare.

My final example, although I have a sinking feeling there are many similar examples available, is from a campaign mailer by the Republican Party of Virginia. The last page of the mailer depicts the eyes of an African American male with the following words superimposed:
"American must look evil in the eye and never flinch."
Perhaps the man is Barak Obama, I'm not sure. The spokesman for the Virginia Republican Party, Gerry Scimeca, would not confirm or deny the identify the man in the photo.

Ya wanna see the picture?

Even if I agreed with every plank of the Republican party's platform (and I don't) and even if John McCain were my lifelong hero (and he is not) I could never vote for a candidate from a party that is so hateful, so vile and so dangerous. How can any decent American cast their vote for a Party that displays so much racism ?

I wonder how I could move to New Zealand if the racists take over.

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