Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Progressive's View of Violence

The past few months have been wonderful because I love my job, I am overjoyed with my daughter's happiness in school and of course delighted by the results of the presidential election. The past few months have also been very difficult due to family matters related to a remodel gone sour, my father's health and financial situation and now the death of my step-sister's son. My blessings and challenges have prompted me to re-read a favorite book by Ira Sandperl, A Little Kinder. It is no longer in print but it should be.

Here is a quote which is inspires my work with children and families.

We get what we do; not what we intend, dream or desire. We simply get what we do. Recognizing this and applying it would, in a generation, bring about the transformation that alone can put an end to the fear, suspicion, and misery which at present holds such terrible sway over all our lives.

I don't think we can expect politicians and governments to substantially change long standing conflicts. We can expect them to rise above torture and to act thoughtfully but in the end politics will never end war and bombs will never bring peace.

The only way to change the world is to change the way that people think about and treat one another. A school community is an opportunity to teach and practice fairness, self-reflection, compassion and non-violence. We need more schools who are authentically dedicated to transformation of civilization. I am lucky to be affiliated with such a school.

Ira's statement is a simple spiritual truth.

You can read more about Ira here.