Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gotta Laugh Every Day

I figured out how to post a video with music. It's really simple. You can't use iTunes music. Boo! Just buy the music from Amazon or obtain MP3 tracks from somewhere. itunes used to let you change tunes from MP4 to MP3 but not anymore!

I am a true NPR fanatic but lately the news is so dismal that we listen to satellite radio on the drive to school. This morning the kids tolerated my choice of stations and I was really excited when Classic Vinyl played Van Morrison's Into The Mystic, one of my all time favorite songs. As soon as I heard the first few bars I exclaimed, "Oh, I love this song," and as soon as those words were out of my mouth JW groaned, "I detest Van Morrisson. He is really baaaad oldies." Rolling my eyes I retorted, "JW I love this song so much I want it played at my funeral." Totally deadpan he replied, "Well I guess that means I won't be going."

So the news makes me woozy, my dad calls me at 1:50 in the morning and upsets me so much I loose two hours of sleep, my remodel is a financial nightmare and I try to take solace that my real estate value is no worse than my stock portfolio but really that does not make me feel any better but.........there is always something that makes me laugh. Today it was JW.

At least I hope he was kidding.

How can you not like this song? It is perfect for my pictures of Crissy Field and Fort Point. If you are reading this on FB follow this link to see pictures of the Golden Gate. I am a rank amateur with only an iPhone but you really can't go wrong with pictures of San Francisco Bay and, no matter what JW says, Van Morrisson.